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Save 10% on Your Next Meaningful Adventure in Sedona! Use Promo Code: 10 Blessings

Save 10% on Your Next Meaningful Adventure in Sedona! Use Promo Code: 10 Blessings


Paramdhan KaurParamdhan Kaur (Irina Achkasova) is an avid traveler and explorer with open mind and open heart who can always find the way out even if it looks like there is none. She is an artist, channeler, a certified Kundalini yoga teacher and a healer. Her magic touch brings light to whatever she comes across. Her loving heart holds sacred space for seekers’ ceremonies and practices allowing for deeper connection with the Great Spirit. Loving and non-judgmental she takes motherly care of her guests’ physical and non-physical needs. Her strong will and deep connection with the Spirit contribute a lot to this beautiful project.

Having worked in hospitality industry for many years Irina has learned a lot: from healthy cooking and nutrition to understanding people better.

Irina’s spiritual education includes Reiki, Sound healing, Qigong, different types of Meditation, as well as studying with Drunvalo Melchizedek; she is a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher. As a healer she employs a variety of methods such as crystals, sound healing, energy work and receives guidance from angels and spirit guides. Empowering people and helping them connect to their pure essence is what she loves doing most. Irina deeply honors Native American wisdom and traditions.

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